Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Choosing Joy

"These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full." John 15:11

Finding joy in all circumstances. It's something I've had to learn to do. At the end of this past school year, I started talking to a good friend of mine about my own circumstances, and I just couldn't find joy in what I was doing. I couldn't find joy in my job, or in life really. 

As we talked I came to this conclusion--I have to choose joy. I can be joyful in my circumstances DESPITE what the circumstances may be. God did not promise us happiness, but he did promise us joy. 

There is truly a difference. Happiness is dependent on situations...but joy is dependent on Christ. Joy comes from knowing our savior, and from giving Him complete control. 

So as the school year came to a close, I had started to look at life a little differently. I began to remember that Jesus is in me and if I'm living for Him then I can be joyful. So my attitude about my job started to change. My attitude towards my students changed. I started to see my students for who they were individually, and I was able to find the positives in each of them. 

Choosing joy means knowing God is in control, and knowing He will always be a part of any situation. It means even if we aren't happy, we can still be positive about what God has given us. 

Choosing joy lately has meant seeing the positive in all of the circumstances of my life. Yes there is negative. Yes the devil is alive and prowling, but God is so much greater than that. God is the provider of our joy. 

When I started coming to these realizations--my life started to look completely different. I feel lighter, like weights have been lifted off my chest. I feel JOYful! 

I say all this to say...Joy is a beautiful thing, and it is possible for all believers! Pray, seek God, soak in scripture, and find it!

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